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Worst Movie Ever: Sad thing is, they warned me

Worst Movie Ever: Sad thing is, they warned me

What a weekend. Well, it wasn’t too spectacular. OK the Friday definitely was. I went with a friend to an all you can eat chicken wing place in Northbridge (Otherwise known as Gotham City) called Crazy Wings. Dammit these wings were so good. They have like 10 flavours and each is more droolworthy than the last. Did I mention it was BYO?

Saturday I was hungover, AND my gross cough was back, so I stayed in hacking up lovelies, while scarfing home delivered pizza. I wore no dress, because dammit I was lying down.

Sunday, I braved the cold and went to see the worst movie in the world, ever. It’s called The Room, and it’s a pseudo soft porn comedy starring a guy that sounds like William Sadler. But he isn’t. Oh, gosh no. We snuck booze in and threw garbage everywhere. This was actively encouraged, by the way. I got no photo of the dress this evening as the lighting was too dark. Trust me, it was a grey supre thing.  See this viewers guide.

Today, I’m surprisingly wearing the first Valley Girl dress this month (I have heaps of dresses from there, no idea where they all are now though) and it’s back to work for me. Although instead of working, this photo implies that I’m singing an off-off-broadway song.

Not long to go, guys, please donate before the end of the month!!

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